
Ronald D. Hunter
Founder of Youth Opportunity Foundation
Ronald D. Hunter, the founder of Youth Opportunity Foundation, is the CEO of Youth Opportunity Investments, a leading owner and manager of residential clinical treatment facilities for post-adjudicate youth. Youth Opportunity campuses nationally facilitate an alternative approach to punitive incarceration. They provide strategic, trauma-focused, evidence-based treatment and a comprehensive continuum of care, based on placing the right youth in the right place for the right reasons. Youth Opportunity Foundation focused on enhancing the community reentry phase through mentoring, applied research, scholarships and vocational assistance.

Denny Armington
President of Youth Opportunity Foundation
Denny Armington serves as President of the Youth Opportunity Foundation, Inc. Prior to joining Youth Opportunity Foundation, Mr. Armington spent thirty-six years in healthcare management, most recently as CEO of Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana. He has been active in professional advocacy roles, serving as a volunteer field surveyor for CARF International and board member for state Brain Injury Associations in Indiana and West Virginia. Mr. Armington has also been a supporter of community-based charitable activities including The American Stroke Association and Special Olympics.
Board of Directors
Michael Boaz, Indianapolis, IN
Dan Briggs, Carmel, IN
Candee Chambers, Indianapolis, IN
Ralph Carmichael, Lansing, MI
Dan French, Jr., Troy, MI
Jim Gyruke, Tampa, FL
Ronald Hunter, Carmel, IN
Michael McCulla, Nashville, TN
Conrad Jacobs, Carmel, IN
Kent Takacs, Detroit, MI
It is easier to raise strong children than to repair broken men.
Without education, our children can never really meet the challenges they will face. So it’s very important to give children education and explain that they should play a role for their country.
Once you chose hope, everything else comes easy
Clinical and Scientific Advisory Council
Michael Baglivio, PhD
Youth Opportunity Investments, St. Petersburg, FL
Mitch Davis,
Assured Partners, Carmel, IN
Judy Dettmer, MSW
National Association of State Head Injury Administrators, Fort Collins, CO
Jeanette Green, PhD
AdventHealth, Canton, GA
Scott McCormick
Orbis Education Services, Carmel, IN
Bernard Mickle, MA
Marion County Commission on Youth, Indianapolis, IN
Drew Nagele, PhD
Nagele Neurorehab Consulting, Elkins Park, PA
Shannon Offord
DirectEmployers Association, Indianapolis, IN
Lance Trexler, PhD
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana, Indianapolis, IN